Lowrider Experience
Club Registration Information

The National Lowrider® Club Registry is a compilation of nationwide lowrider clubs maintained by Lowrider® Magazine. Sign up to have your club plaque and logo registered on the Lowrider Club Registry. Our current database has over 1300 car club names, and we hope to include yours as well. Register and upload your artwork by filling out the form below. After your register your club, you have the option, to purchase an 10’ x 13’ Lowrider® certificate and to have it sent to your home or office. For details on ordering your certificate, visit www.lowriderbrand.com

Our registration process certifies that you are listed within our Lowrider® database. While official with Lowrider® Magazine, this listing provides no legally binding trademark or copyright protection. For information regarding trademark or copyright protection for your club’s name, we recommend you seek the services of a qualified legal professional such as the California New Business Bureau. To trademark your club name, brand or company name You can contact them at (877) 939-2666 or visit them at www.cnbbonline.com or on Instagram @cnbb_online

Club Information
Contact Information
Consent and Accept
By submitting the information on this page and or uploading our club logo, I consent and authorize the use of this information including the club logo to be used at the discretion of Lowrider and Del Rio Marketing, Inc.