Lowrider 2024 Sponsors
Tampa Lowrider Supershow and Hop
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Size ( Depth x Frontage)
10 x 10 Booth
4 Show Wristbands to be picked up upon registration at the Venue. You must provide your own tables, chairs, and backdrops. No tent tops or canopies allowed.
10 x 20 Booth
Includes: 6 Show Wristbands to be picked up upon registration at the Venue. You must provide your own tables, chairs, and backdrops. No tent tops or canopies allowed.
10 x 30 Booth
Includes: 8 Show Wristbands to be picked up upon registration at the Venue. You must provide your own tables, chairs, and backdrops. No tent tops or canopies allowed.
Electricity (10 amps)
0-1000 watts (10 amps)
Please note: Electricity costs are actual costs charged by Venue and not marked up.
Electricity (20 Amps)
1001-2000 watts (20 amps)
Please note: Electricity costs are actual costs charged by Venue and not marked up.
Lowrider 2023 Sponsors